*This is a service and must be redeemed in person.
Product Features: Voluma is a game-changing filler product which is placed deep under the skin resulting in volumizing, lifting and contouring cheeks, cheekbones, and the jaw line.
What's in Voluma? Voluma is made of a thick hyaluronic based gel that enables us to re-fill areas that aging has caused to deflate. Voluma is mostly used in the cheeks and jawline. Voluma is the latest addition to facial fillers made by Allergan (makers of Botox and Juvederm).
How long does Volume last? Voluma is the longest lasting of the FDA approved facial fillers, lasting up to 2 years or more. In fact, Voluma is the ONLY hyaluronic acid filler approved by the FDA to specifically contour and volumize the midface. Other fillers typically have a life cycle of between 6-9 months.
Does it hurt? Voluma is pre-mixed with lidocaine (a numbing agent) so most patients find the treatment to be very comfortable . The only discomfort is the injection into the skin which is done through a very fine gauge needle and feels like a quick pinch. As the Voluma gel is placed, you will feel mild pressure. Patients are very comfortable while receiving Voluma treatments.
The main difference between receiving Voluma or other Juvéderm filler products is the depth of placement. Voluma is injected deeper into the skin to allow for lift the mid region of the face, the cheekbones and the smoothes the jaw line.
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